Design and Development Projects

Here are a few example sites I've created in the past.

During my time as a developer, I've had the pleasure of working on a variety of websites, each with its own distinct style and purpose. Below, you'll find short descriptions of the projects I've been involved in, along with links to explore each web application.

Friends of Philip Fish Sanctuary

Friends of Philip Logo

Friends of Philip Fish Sanctuary advocates for aquatic life welfare, providing sanctuary to rescued fish while promoting education and ethical treatment. They offer veterinary care, education, and honor the legacy of Philip, their first rescue.

View Friends of Philip Fish Sanctuary here

Chilli Plant Stats

Chilli Plant site screenshot

Can a chilli plant tweet? Yes, it can! Through the use of an Arduino MKR1000. This University group project saw us link the plant up to twitter through ThingSpeak, Temboo and our very own dashboard to give this plant life. The plant would send a tweet every 30 minutes to a Twitter account with updates about its water levels, the room temperature and how much sunlight it was receiving.

View Chilli Plant Stats here

React Highlands

React Highlands Logo

To expand on my Web Development knowledge I signed up for a challenge posted from the Reddit Web Dev group in which developers were to create a website with a nature theme. As an avid hill walker I decided to recreate the Walk Highlands' website with React and add a few extra features that would be nice to have. I also hosted this project through Github Pages, something I hadn't previously worked with. It was great to work with React and learn more about Modern JavaScript Libraries taking on a new challenge.

View React Highlands here

Alison Abroad

Crammer Screenshot Logo

This MERN stack project was created to display a young women's travels around Europe through a photo gallery. There is a dynamically filled out map of Europe that shows were the largest amount of photographers were taken as well.

View Alison Abroad here